quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009

o som da comida

Charles Spence, Oxford University, UK: Vencedor do IgNobel de 2008 de Nutrição, entrevistado pela BBC

When you play the sound of crisps when people bite into Pringles - if we change the sound as they eat, we can actually change how fresh, or how crisp, the Pringle tastes to people.

We've used [a bacon sizzling] sound to flip the flavour of bacon and egg ice cream. If we play that sound over the loudspeakers in the room, the ice cream will taste more 'bacony' than if you play the sound of, say, farmyard chickens.

Ouvir http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/7650584.stm